MON podjęło decyzję: Kiedy odbędą się ćwiczenia wojskowe rolników?

MON podjęło decyzję: Kiedy odbędą się ćwiczenia wojskowe rolników?

Rollers will be called up for military exercises in the autumn-winter season – the Ministry of National Defence has decided. As explained by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, during this period the workload on farms is significantly lower than in summer. Until now, the exercises took place in August, but the date has been changed due to „numerous requests” that have been made on this matter. „The Ministry of National Defence has declared that farmers will not be called up for military exercises in August of this current year. The exception are those who have agreed to it. In addition, the Ministry of Defence, in line with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development’s suggestion, announced that farmers will be called up for military exercises during the autumn-winter season, when the workload on farms is lower than in spring or summer,” the Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture announced in a statement.

As the agency stated, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development had previously sent a letter to the Ministry of National Defence regarding the exemption of farmers from military exercises, following numerous requests received by the ministry. the Ministry of National Defence calls Farmers to Military Exercises in Autumn. The mobilization of reserve soldiers for training is a natural action related to maintaining their combat readiness. Those called up for exercises are individuals part of the passive reserve, especially those with mobilization assignments. The Central Military Recruitment Center (CWCR) is responsible for summoning soldiers for exercises. The obligation of reservists to participate in exercises results from the Act on the Defense of the Homeland. They may be called up for one-day, short term – up to 30 days, long-term – lasting continuously up to 90 days, and rotational exercises totaling up to 30 days with breaks within one year. Persons who have not reached the age of 55 may be called up for exercises, and for those with an officer and non-commissioned officer rank – up to the age of 63. According to government regulations, the limit of persons who can be summoned for exercises in the current year is 200,000 individuals. This is a similar level to previous years.

Military Exercises. Remuneration for Reservists soldiers receive remuneration adjusted to their rank and position for each day of exercises. For example, a private will receive PLN 141 per day, a corporal PLN 161, a sergeant PLN 176, a lieutenant PLN 221, a colonel PLN 331, and a general PLN 451. According to the regulations, this remuneration is exempt from taxation. Furthermore, during the military exercises, each reserve soldier receives uniforms and military equipment, as well as free accommodation, meals, and medical care. Employees called up for exercises are entitled to free leave for the entire duration of the exercises. In addition, a soldier undergoing military exercises is entitled, under Article 312(2) and 10 of the Act on the Defense of the Homeland, to compensation for lost income in the amount of 1/22 of the monthly income for each day of military exercises (up to PLN 756.10 per day). The compensation covers the difference between the received remuneration and the earnings from work or income from business or agricultural activity.